Gadget “Currency Meter”
ディスプレイ上で右クリックをして出てくるメニューにある“Gadget”を選択すると、“Currency Meter”というGadgetがあります。これをクリックしてディスプレイ上に表示させます。Windows7では、残念ながらこのままでは自分の希望する為替情報が表れてくれません。
Google spreadsheetとのコンビネーション
Hi there, I want to share my workaround for this issue.
First, when looking through the gadget code I noticed that it use 3rd-party service (Yahoo) to retrieve currency values. But unfortunately Yahoo has closed that service ( https://forums.yahoo.net/t5/Yahoo-Finance-help/http-dow… ).
I decided to use Google Spreadsheets where it is possible to use GoogleFinance() function and export the spreadsheet to CSV file. In my case, I’m going to track USD/RUB and EUR/RUB pairs. I think you could easily replace them with yours.
Step 1.
Create a new google spreadsheet. First column should contain your currency pairs divided by “/” symbol. Second column will have results of GoogleFinance() calculation.
Step 2.
Fill the table. For example, this is my table:
Currencies will update automatically.
Step 3.
Go to menu and select “File” -> “Publish to Web”. Next shoose CSV format and click “Publish”.
You will get a URL, something like https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/…/pub?gid=0&sing… . Save it to a safe place.
Step 4.
Now we will need to change URL in the gadget’s code.
Go to folder C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets\Currency_Meter.gadget\
Find a file called “gadget.js” and open it with a text editor, e.g. Notepad.
You will see a lot of minified code, copy all the code and paste it to http://unminify.com/ . Click “Unminify”.
Next, replace all minified code with unminified one. Save the gadget.js file.
Step 5.
In the gadget.js file find definition of function getData() (line #1393 for me). Replace all the code inside the curly brackets with this code:
1. getDataURL(‘YOUR URL FROM STEP 3’);
Where you should paste URL from the Step 3 inside the brackets.
In my case:
Next, save the file.
Step 6.
Now you will need to disable the Currency Meter gadget and then enable it again. If everything goes well, you will see it is working again!
私は、USDとRUB、EURとRUB、RUBとJPYの為替情報が見たいので、この3つをGooglespread sheetに入力設定しました。設定がうまくいった時には思わずスタッフにばれないように小さなガッツポーズをしてしまいました。

Find a file called “gadget.js” and open it with a text editor, e.g. Notepad.
You will see a lot of minified code, copy all the code and paste it to http://unminify.com/ . Click “Unminify”.
Next, replace all minified code with unminified one. Save the gadget.js file.
これは、まずNotepadを開き、”gadget.js” を指定してNotepad上に展開します。このようになります。

